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Petsitting gig in southern Albania - one step closer to materializing the actual homesteading life!


paradigmprospect724.354 months agoPeakD3 min read

I am getting ever closer to living the life of my dreams - the garden and my future home are becoming more and more resonant and I can see it in the change of my surroundings! It is as if my surroundings mirror that vision more and more until - they are both the same! Talk about resonating the outer to the inner. It's quite amazing to see actuality inch ever closer to the dream!


Today is the first day of our new housesitting gig, this time in Albania. Beloved Albania. We got to know two lovely people, expats in their own right, and are watching their current house and dog for about two weeks. This will not only give us a great opportunity to help high-vibing people who needed a petsitter - we can also learn a ton about eating foraged foods from the garden. Sort of another homesteading simulation for us with hands-on-permaculture experiences!


There is Amaranth growing everywhere and we have grown quite fond of it in a short amount of time. I got up early today to pick some for the casserole I'll be making later on, and to cuddle the dog, to make her feel more comfortable with us, as she is not that used to having other people around. But we are getting along quite nicely, and though she barks at pedestrians she has a good heart, which is really all that counts at the end of the day.

I feel she likes us.


Also, we realize once more: we want our own place more than ever! And this materialization of a temporary home is just the latest in a series of materializations that seem ever more congruent with the life we want to lead.

I am super grateful for this opportunity, and I feel the owners also are. Letting "strangers" watch your dog and house is quite the leap of faith, so we are happy they are having us and opted for trust! But then we have been over for dinner a couple of times in recent weeks, so really no strangers any longer.

Also I will have a chance to make some music again for the duration of our two weeks stay until the owners return. Got actual power sockets and space for the mobile studio I have with me. YAY!

So there might be less hiving on my part, but I will use the time to dabble around in making tracks instead. Don't know what style yet, probably just a few random songs to get me started. A few days long song challenge has always worked great for me to get back in the groove. And the day here feels so long that I might still write semi regularly.

And maybe I will share some of the tracks here on Hive. We'll see what comes out!

Well, off to a great start in May. Less trading, more music. Awesome!

And maybe, if universe is willing we will actually get word that the small property we had been looking at a few weeks ago - will be our new home. Really excited to see what life does with this chance, new information should arrive within the week and we really can't wait.

So much for a time-capsule-diary update on early May 2024. Now, off to Bitwig, making some music and forbidden tonal accidents ;)


Have a blessed Sunday everyone!



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